Contact Us

Do you want to find out how OKbase can improve your business too? Do you have questions or are you interested in a consultation?

Contact our sales department, preferably via the contact form.

Sales Department

Mon-Fri from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

+420 236 072 323

Contact us

Are you an employee of a company that uses OKbase and you are experiencing a user problem? Is your login, password or settings not working properly?

Please contact your HR or technical department. They will advise you and are authorized to contact our Hotline in case of any requests or technical problems.


Mon-Fri from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.

+420 236 072 290

+420 236 072 310 (payroll module only)

If you're not sure who to contact or you can not find the information you need, try our FAQ database.

Headquarters Praha

OKsystem a.s.

Na Pankráci 1690/125
140 00  Praha 4 - Nusle

IČ: 27373665
DIČ: CZ27373665

OKsystem je společnost zapsaná v obchodním rejstříku
vedeném u Městského soudu v Praze, oddíl B, vložka 20326.

How to reach us

Branch Brno

OKsystem a.s.

Triniti Office Center
Trnitá 500/9
602 00  Brno

How to reach us

Branch Ostrava

OKsystem a.s.

Smart Innovation Center
28. října 3388/111
702 00  Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava

How to reach us

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Want to learn more?

Let us know what you need to solve. We will get back to you.

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